
Ladica Capsule

Generic: Herbal

Brand: Hamdard Lab. (Waqf) Ltd.

180 TK

 Ladica is an ideal Women’s herbal tonic. It is a special preparation of standardised extract of Black Cohosh rhizome and root. Ladica is a time-tested herbal medicine in the treatment of premenstrual & menopausal syndromes. It is proven to be effective, safe and well tolerated  


Indications:» Menopausal syndromes such as hot flushes, profuse sweating, insomnia, fatigue,   anxiety, depression, headache and personality disorders  

» Menstrual cramps  

» Dysmenorrhea  

» Primary or secondary amenorrhea  

» Irregular menstruation  

» Vaginal atrophy  

» Uterine spasmDosage & Administration: 1 capsule daily or as prescribed by the physician.Side effect: No significant side effect has been reported in therapeutic dosage. Overdose may irritate the nervous system and may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, limb pain etc.Contraindication: Black Cohosh is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the plants.Precautions: Ladica should not be used during pregnancy, lactating mothers and children under the age of 12 years.Storage: Store in a cool and dry place, protect from sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.Presentation: Box contains 30 capsules in alu-alu blister pack.